Well, you can't blame him.
- Waited on, sir?
- Give me some tea.
Yes, sir.
Help yourself until payday.
No longer, mind you.
Paul, what are you doing?
Paul, you mustn't!
I'm going to search that office right now,
tonight. I made up my mind.
Those racketeer bosses of yours
will be somewhere down in the arena.
- They must keep records somewhere.
- But what would happen if we're caught?
If we're caught, did you say?
What kind of a heel do you
think you're going to marry?
Sit tight. Have a drink.
I'll be back in a jiffy.
I can't let you do that.
Mr. Stephens' desk is locked.
- I haven't got a key to that.
- I'll find a way. Now, take it easy.
Wait. Wait, Paul.
You mustn't. I'm afraid.
Back up. Keep moving.
Back into that office.
- Now, see here, Whitey, let's...
- Let's not.
I could drop you right on that floor
and collect a reward.