It was too dark to get a description.
Let's take another look inside.
Keep those lovebirds apart.
They might try to cook up a story.
What if they do?
You didn't care for the first one.
Nicky will get you out of it,
just like that.
Well, doc?
No kidding.
I thought maybe he drowned.
Can you tell us when he left
this nice peaceful world?
Dead approximately half an hour.
There's quite a lump
on the back of his head.
- They tap hard in his fraternity.
- A large bruise, not serious.
- Well, lucky for Barrow it isn't serious.
- But he isn't supposed to have a bruise.
- Clarke claims he bumped his head.
- No contusion on Clarke.
He may have struck his head
on the desk, but no mark.
Which often happens. What about
the angle of the bullet? Downwards?
- How did you know that?
- Very simple.
Paul is only a little taller
than Whitey...
...so I figure he must have been
hanging on the chandelier...
...when he shot him,
or standing on a chair.
Any footprints on the chairs?
- What are you driving at, Nick?
- Me for downtown.
It looks to me as if Whitey must have
been lying on the floor when he got it.
Clarke's a fine sportsman.
He could've at least shot him on the rise.
I'll send the boys for the body.
Let's suppose, for the moment,
that some third party...
...saw Paul and Whitey fight.
Let's assume that the third party
saw Paul go down. Out cold.
The gun had been kicked right
at his feet, let's say.
All right, let's say.
Our third party could have picked up
the gun, slugged Whitey from behind...
...which accounts for that bruise
on the back of Whitey's head...
...and taken the book from his pocket.
- Sorry, Nick, it won't jell.
Why should this party
of the third party shoot Whitey...
...after he knocked him cold and took
the book? If there was a book.
I'll say that Whitey came to
and recognized him.
Our third party had to shoot him,
leaving Paul to take the rap.
As far as I'm concerned, there isn't
any third party and there isn't any book.
I'm sorry to pick on your friend,
but I'm booking him.