Shadow of the Thin Man

Took salary from me
while she was spying for him.

- Miss Porter is your girl, isn't she?
- Yes.

Does that let her out?
She's your alibi, your only alibi.

I don't think I'll say any more
without my lawyer.

All right, you can go now.
You too. But stay where I can find you.

Good luck, Nick.
- What really worries me is that jockey.
- Yeah. Still dead, huh?

But since I've got two murderers to
catch, it's nice to have one in the bag.

Five dollars will get you 10
there's only one murderer.

- There's no connection.
- I'm still betting there's one murderer.

Well, this is one bet I'll win.
Sorry, Clarke, I'll have to take you
downtown. You too, Miss Ford.

You can't arrest her.
She's done nothing at all.

She let you in, son.
That gives her credit for an assist.

- Riley!
- Yes, sir?

Stay with the body
until they take it away.

Come on, folks.
- Chin up. I'll split that 5 with you, Paul.
- Nick, you can just mail me the 10 bucks.

In a way, I'm responsible
for Paul's being in this jam.

He was helping me. If there was
something I could do to help him...

- I'll call on you.
- Good night, Nick. Mrs. Charles.

Good night. Nicky, do you really think
there was only one murderer?

- Why?
- Hunch.

- About what?
- Shower.

Where the jockey was shot?
- What about it?
- Don't know yet.

You gonna examine it?
- Okay, let's go.
- Mama goes home.

Oh, Nicky, you know you click better
when I'm around.

Not in a men's shower.
I'll tell you what. You go home,
cold cream that lovely face...

...slip into an exciting negligee...
- Yes?
- And I'll see you at breakfast.

- Hiya, Henry.
- Hi, Mr. Charles.

I've been waiting for you.
Everything's open.

All right, fine.
I'm very much obliged to you.

Gee, that's a nice pup you have there.
Not too loud.
He could get a swelled head.

He's a brave little fella, isn't he?
