Shadow of the Thin Man

The most logical place the bullet
came from...

- Was below.
- You've got it.

Sure I have. What have I got?
Lieutenant, the jockey wasn't murdered.
Suicide? You mean, he killed himself
and then hid the gun?

No, he hid the gun
and then killed himself.

He may have been thinking of suicide
when he went into the shower.

Perhaps he lost his nerve.
At all events, he wanted to get rid
of the gun.

So he opened the cover
of the drainpipe...

...dropped the gun down, butt first.
The hammer of the gun hit a curve
in the drainpipe, and the gun went off.

And when the body fell forward,
it closed the drainpipe.

Lieutenant, you've solved it.
Well, you've helped me. Nick,
this is one bet I don't mind losing.

Thanks to you, I've only got
one murder on my hands.

Will I be glad to tell that
to those newshounds.

If there's anything I can do...
Just one thing. Let me give the story
to the reporters...

...and let me do it in my way.
- Pal, your way is my way.

- What's cooking?
- Did Paul Clarke crack?

Gentlemen, there's the gun
that killed Goldez.

Lieutenant Abrams found it
in the drainpipe of the shower.

Whoever shot Goldez hid it there, right?
Right! And when we find the murderer
of Goldez...

...we'll find the murderer of Barrow too.
Both were rubbed out
by the same guy.

Both of them knew too much
for somebody's safety...

:49:19 they had to be silenced. Right?
- No... Yeah.

- What about Paul Clarke?
- Paul's innocent.

- He'll be released. Right, lieutenant?
- Yeah, right. No! Yeah.

- That's all, boys.
- Thanks for the story.

Hey, Nick. What is this?
Lieutenant, look. Everybody but you
and me thinks that Goldez was murdered.

Whoever killed Barrow thinks so too.
Now, when he reads that we think...
...the jockey's murderer
committed both crimes...

...he may try to help us find
that murderer.

You mean he'll try to frame
a substitute for Paul Clarke?

Well, that's what I'm hoping.
Now, if he snaps at our bait,
that's where you come in.

Sure I do. Sure I do.
Where do I come in?
