
Hello, Mother.
Yes, it's wonderful.
A most beautiful house.

Would you tell Father how badly I felt?
He is? Wait a minute till I tell Johnnie.
Father's sending us a wedding present.
Mother told him how happy I looked and...

I can't tell you how much
this means to me.

- Me, too.
- Yes. Father?

- Come on, ask him when he's sending it.
- It's coming right away, by messenger.

Invite them over for dinner.
Perhaps he'd like to play some golf.

Tell him that we were in the throes
of job-hunting when he telephoned.

- It doesn't hurt to impress the old boy.
- Really, you are the limit.

How can you be so gay about something...
that you should be ashamed of?
What, Father?
Yes, Johnnie and I were just having...
a sober and comprehensive discussion
of that very subject.

He has several ideas of the kind of job
he'd like to do...

and several good opportunities.
There's a messenger
from General McLaidlaw.

- Bring it in.
- It's just come, Father. Hold on, do.

I think I know what it is,
and if it is what I think it is...

Johnnie, you'll be thrilled.
It is! How wonderful.
We've had them in the family
before I was born.

Father's had lots of offers to sell them,
but he never would.

- How many more, for heavers sake?
- Just these two, sir.

He sent us both of them.
These are Father's
most precious possessions.

You don't say.
