These will be our first heirlooms
to be handed down to our children...
- and then to their children.
- That's the thing to do with them, all right.
Father, you're so good to me
that you make me want to cry.
What was that?
Yes, you've made me very happy.
You've made Johnnie very happy, too.
Just a minute, he wants to say something.
Say something very nice.
These chairs really belong in a museum.
Hello, General.
Yes, but really, shouldn't you
have sent them to a museum?
Naturally we're thrilled. Who wouldn't be?
What, a job?
Yes, Lina and I were just going into that.
I have some excellent opportunities.
What are they?
I've just received a letter
from my cousin, Captain Melbeck.
Yes, he is a splendid chap.
He wants someone to manage his estate.
I thought I'd take the job.
I'm glad you approve.
Yes, we must. We'll get together soon.
I'll leave it up to Lina, shall I?
All right. Goodbye, sir.
That was a fib about Captain Melbeck,
wasrt it?
Was it?
- Did you have this letter all the time?
- I did.
Why didn't you tell me?