
And as for you,
I'm gonna make an example out of you.

I'm gonna hold you for contempt of court...
and fine you another $50.
We haven't got $50,
let alone him having $100.

Take them away. Next case.
Bats Delaney.
Take your hands off them.
Here's the fine for both of them.
That's a little bit irregular, Mr. Miller.
Everything's irregular
in this two-by-four court.

Including your remark
about Lee and Beauregard.

There's $20 for the fine of Bats Delaney.
Come on, Bats.

- He ain't entered his plea.
- He pleads guilty.

That $20, and the fine's only $10.
Take the change and get some of the stink
out of this place.

Come on.
Court's dismissed.
Come on.
- Mr. Miller?
- What do you want?

- We'd just like to thank you.
- Yeah, thanks a lot.

Don't give it a thought.
What outfit you boys with in the war?
Jeb Stuart's cavalry,
army of Northern Virginia.

I might've known it.
Nobody but a Virginian or a Texican
would jump a judge in his own court.

We'd like to work that money off,
if you'd let us.

Ain't often a stranger will
do you a favor like that.

I ain't no stranger
where a Johnny Reb is concerned.

I'm a Texican myself.
You boys still hungry?
I got the same appetite
I brought to town with me three days ago.

Bats, take them down
to Camp 18 and feed them.

And keep your nose out of that jug.
You boys look me up at the fight tonight.
Come on, I gotta get rid
of them high-collar dudes from Chicago.

Who is that one-man cyclone?
You mean you ain't never heard
of Windy Miller?

No, we never did.
But from now on, we're for him.

Where's that food he was talking about?
Come on.
Oh, don't you remember
sweet Betsy from Pike

Oh, don't you remember
sweet Betsy from Pike

Who crossed o'er the mountain
with her lover Ike

With two yoke of oxen,
a big yeller dog

A tall Shanghai rooster,
and one spotted hog

Oh, sing, goodbye Pike County
Farewell for a while
