
- Hello.
- Get them up, son.

- You're the sheriff?
- That's right.

Here's the holdup money.
- Sure it's the holdup money.
- Then you admit it?

- Where's the rest of your gang?
- We...

Wait a minute. I didn't hold up no stage.
You're gonna tell me
you waylaid the fellows who did.

- That's just what I did.
- Where's a tree?

- I was gonna return the money.
- I never saw the beat.

Every time I wanna hang a fella,
there's no tree.

- There's a big oak a mile back.
- You can't do that without a trial.

As Sheriff and justice of the peace,
you are guilty and will be hanged.

- Get on your horse.
- Just wait a minute.

Come on, get on your horse.
They say as how this tree was planted
40 years ago by Davy Crockett.

Why don't you wait
and ask the stage driver?

Son, I'm a court of law
and evidence is what counts.

You had the money, didn't you?
- Indians!
- Where?

Right behind me. Hundreds of them.
Here, boy. You're on your honor now.
Take for the hills, men.

Come on, boy, come on.
Ain't I the darndest liar? Come on.
Where are they going?
We've been hornswoggled. Get after them.
