Ain't it a small world, though.
Stand still.
Keep those hands right where they are.
Where's that $10,000?
- Can we talk this over?
- Not tonight.
Go get his gun, Tennessee.
Don't shoot. I'm here.
Go after him.
I got him.
Get him inside.
Somebody get a light.
Get him down.
What's the matter with you?
What's going on here?
- Why didn't you say who you were?
- What do you think I was trying to do?
- We thought you were somebody else.
- You mean me?
Nice little reception you had fixed up for me.
But I didn't think it would turn out
quite like this.
All right, drop those guns.
Move back in that corner.
Come on, get moving.
Wait a minute, Thomas. Don't be in a rush.
The boys that work for me
got pretty good jobs.
We'd kind of like to have you stay,
join the family, wouldn't we, boys?
- But that's the fella that held us up.
- I know. That's why I hired him.
There's an empty bunk right over there,
next to mine.
I'm Tennessee.
Dan Thomas.
Openly speaking, we're what you might call
cattle separators.
- What?
- Don't you savvy?
We separate the cattle from the owners.
We ain't so awful busy, unless
someone tries to take a herd up north.
Then we raid them to keep them
from getting the cattle to market.
What happens to the cattle you rustle?
We change the brands on them,
keep them hid.
When the price gets high enough, we're
gonna take them up to Abilene ourselves.