Keep right on going.
I'm a hen-pecked man
but I don't care, I don't care, I don't care
Her father's got millions and she's the heir
And she was fair to view
Oh, ain't ya, ain't ya, ain't ya, ain't ya
coming out tonight
coming out tonight, coming out tonight
Oh, ain't ya, ain't ya, ain't ya, ain't ya
coming out tonight
And dance by the light of the moon
Hello, Windy.
I'm sorry I'm so late.
I've been entertaining them. Take it away.
Right you are.
It sure is good to see you all again...
but we'll get sociable a little bit later.
I'll get right down to business.
I guess you all know
why I came down here from Abilene.
I worked hard promoting a railroad
to haul cattle...
and I ain't getting no cattle.
These cattle ain't quail.
They can't fly up there.
That's a point.
But you don't realize how badly the East
needs beef since the war has been over.
Maybe you can tell us how to get them
through the rustlers and Indians and raids.
If you think it's so easy to get them there...
- why don't you take them yourself?
- Yeah.
Brother, that's exactly why I'm here.
I'm going to buy the beef from you
right here and take it through myself.
But, remember this:
It's going to be just as tough on me getting
this beef to Abilene as it was on you.
That's right.
Since I'm the one
who has to take all the risk...
I feel that it's only fair
that we establish a price...
that will give me at least an even break.
Since I'm the one who's going to have to
worry about the stampedes and things...