I figure that a fair price
for your beef would be...
- $2 a head.
- $2?
That wouldn't even pay for the hide.
Just a minute, friends.
I knew this was too good to be true.
You'd think from the way you're acting
I was trying to rustle your cattle.
There ain't a man in here who can say
that I ever took advantage of a living soul.
You're being a little unreasonable.
I think $2 a head for your beef is a fair price.
- What'll you sell them for?
- Yeah, what'll you get for them?
I don't even know
I'm going to get them through.
I might have to turn back
the same as you did.
Windy's right. We can't get them through...
and there ain't no sense
of fooling ourselves anymore.
Of course, $2 a head ain't very much.
You can have mine for $2.
I've got 4,000 heads you can have at $2.
Mine, too, I have 5,000.
You can have the Flying W.
- What's the matter with you?
- Listen, friends!
Maybe Windy is trying to help us...
and then again,
maybe he is trying to help himself.
You know as well as I do
if the East hasn't had beef for four years...
the market price is way up.
That means the average steer should bring
$15, $18 a head, maybe more.
I ask you people, just who
do you think Windy's more interested in:
Us or himself?
Please, just a minute.
Shut up. Go ahead, Tod, say your piece.
- Yeah, go ahead.
- All right.
All I'm saying is that the $2 a head
that Windy's offering...
that may be a lot of money
to his way of thinking.
But $18 a head is a whole lot more
and that's what we can get in Abilene.
You've tried it and failed.
Sure we failed
because this is the same as the gold rush.
Everybody trying to get there first.
But you've proven what Dusty King
tried to tell them for months.
That the only way we'll make it
is to get together a big herd.
The biggest this state ever saw...
and some of them are bound to get through.
I ask you men here with big herds...
isn't $18 a head
worth taking some risks for?