The Maltese Falcon

Wer tötete Thursby?
- Ich weiß es nicht.

Haben Sie eine Vermutung?
Ich äußere nie eine Vermutung
vor einem Staatsanwalt
und seinem Mitarbeiter.
Verheimlichen Sie etwas?
Jedermann hat Geheimnisse.
Ich bin ein Justizbeamter
und Sie haben nicht das Recht,
das Verfahren der Justiz zu hemmen.
Um mich von dem Verdacht,
der auf mir lastet,

muß ich die Schuldigen finden.

Dazu aber muß ich mich
von Ihnen fernhalten.
Spreche ich zu schnell?
Nein, es geht gut.
Versuchen Sie mir die Lizenz zu entziehen.
Es mißlang schon einmal.
-Who killed Thursby?
-I don't know.

But you could make an excellent guess.
My guess might be excellent or crummy...
...but Mrs. Spade didn't raise children
dippy enough to guess...

:53:14 front of a DA, an assistant DA
and a stenographer.

Why not, if you've nothing to conceal?
Everybody has something to conceal.
I'm a sworn officer of the law
24 hours a day...

...and neither formality nor informality
justifies you withholding...

...the evidence of crime from me
except on constitutional grounds.

You and the police have as much
as accused me...

...of being mixed up in the murders.
I've had trouble with both of you before,
and as far as I can see...

:53:38 best chance of clearing myself
of the trouble...

:53:41 by bringing in the murderers
all tied up.

The only chance I have of catching them
and bringing them in...

:53:46 by staying away from you
because you'd only gum up the works.

You getting this or am I goin' too fast?
-No, sir. I'm getting it all right.
-Good work.

If you want to tell the board
I'm obstructing justice...

...and ask them to revoke my license,
hop to it.

You tried it before and it didn't get you
anything but a good laugh.
