The Maltese Falcon

Come in, sir. Thank you for coming.
Come in.

You shouldn't let him go around
with these on him.

He might get himself hurt.
Well, what's this?
A crippled newsy took 'em away from him.
I made him give 'em back.

By gad, sir, you're a chap worth knowing.
An amazing character. Give me your hat.

Sit down.
-I owe you an apology, sir.
-Never mind that.

Let's talk about the black bird.
All right, sir, let's.
This is going to be the most astounding
thing you've ever heard of.

I say this knowing a man
of your caliber and your profession...

...must have known
some astounding things in his time.

What do you know of the Order of
the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem...

...later known as the Knights of Rhodes?
-Crusaders or something, weren't they?
-Very good. Sit down.

In 1539, these crusading Knights...
...persuaded Emperor Charles V
to give them the lsland of Malta.

He made but one condition:
That they pay him yearly
the tribute of a falcon...

:56:20 acknowledgement that Malta
was still under Spain.

Do you follow me?
Have you any conception of the extreme...
...the immeasurable wealth
of the Order of that time?

They were pretty well fixed.
"Pretty well" is putting it mildly.
They were rolling in wealth, sir.

For years they'd taken from the East
nobody knows what spoils of gems...

...precious metals, silks, ivory, sir.
We all know the Holy Wars to them
were largely a matter of loot.

The Knights were profoundly grateful
to the Emperor Charles...

...for his generosity toward them.
They hit upon the thought of sending...
...for his first year's tribute,
not an insignificant live bird...

...but a glorious golden falcon...
...crusted from head to foot...
