The Maltese Falcon

Have Miles' desk moved out of the office...
...and have "Spade and Archer" taken off
the doors and windows, and...

...have "Samuel Spade" put on.
Come in, Mr. Spade.
Everything's upside down.
I haven't finished unpacking. Sit down.

Mr. Spade, I...
...I have a terrible,
terrible confession to make.

That story I told you yesterday...
...was just a story.
Oh, that. Well, we didn't exactly
believe your story, Miss...

What is your name, Wonderly or LeBlanc?
It's O'Shaughnessy. Brigid O'Shaughnessy.
We didn't exactly believe your story.
We believed your $200.
You mean...
You paid us more
than if you'd told the truth...

...and enough more to make it all right.
Tell me, Mr. Spade,
am I to blame for last night?

You warned us that Thursby
was dangerous.

You lied to us about your sister
and all that, but we didn't believe you.

No, I wouldn't say that you were at fault.
Thank you.
Mr. Archer was so alive yesterday...
:17:24 solid and hearty, and...
- Stop it.

He knew what he was doing.
Those are the chances we take.

Was he married?
Yeah, with $10,000 insurance, no children,
and a wife that didn't like him.

- Please don't.
- That's the way it was.

Anyway, there's no time for worrying
about that now.

Out there's a flock of policemen
and assistant DAs...

...running around with their noses
to the ground.

Mr. Spade, do they know about me?
Not yet. I've been stalling 'em
until I could see you.

Do they have to know?
Can't you shield me so I won't have
to answer their questions?

Maybe, but I gotta know
what it's all about.

I can't tell you.
