Stop it.
Get out of here. All of you.
And you, too.
Hello, Friend Owl.
Don't you remember me?
Why, it's the young prince.
My, my, how you've changed.
Turn round there.
Let me look at you.
l see you've traded in your spots
for a pair of antlers.
You know, just the other day
l was talking to myself about you.
And we were wondering
what had become of you.
Hello, Bambi.
Remember me?
Hi, fellas.
Well, what's the matter with them?
Why are they acting that way?
Why, don't you know?
They're ''twitterpated''.
Yes. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated
in the spring time.
For example,
you're walking along,
minding your own business,
you're looking neither to the left
nor to the right,
when all of a sudden
you run smack into a pretty face.
You begin to get weak in the knees.