I Married a Witch

I'll treat him like a slave, his body
will tremble with pain

Speaking of bodies. I could make
a personal appearance

I'll have to burn other house
Not this. I have an idea. The building in which
he is now, that way he'll come back to me

An excellent idea. Goodbye, daughter
The beverage is cold, let's see if
you are able to resist me now

I wait you here, Mr Wooley!
- Aren't you dressed yet?
- I'm lucky to be alive

What has happened?
I was talking in the radio about the fire of
yesterday and I've ended up in the middle of other

- an explosion In the terrace
- Any injured person?

No, all we are safe
What's the matter with this door?

What are you both doing
in my room?

- What has happened?
- I don't know, I feel sick

Go to your room and get dressed
You had better have a rest

- I'll handle this!
- Did you Get rid of the girl?

- What girl? Oh, she must be still here!
- I won't be here for much time

Very well, listen to me,
miss. Come on, get up

Tell me, I'm listening to you, Mr Wooley
Why are you looking at me this way?
...Oh! It's the dress, do you like it?
It's so... strange to see you dressed,
I mean... you look beautiful

- Could A man fall In love with me?
- Physic beauty isn't everything

I imagined it
- Now, listen to me, Jennifer
- Don't talk to like this

I swallowed a lot of smoke tonight
and I come from swallowing more...

...but that doesn't mean that...
- Wally, do you want some fresh water?
