Extra edition! The whole
story! The big Wooley scandal!
Wooley has been unmasked!
Extra! Extra edition!
- What says the newspaper?
- He is finished And I am ruined
Go looking for her everywhere,
bring me my daughter...
...bring her here or I swear that...
- Shut up!
Let us sleep!
Listen, take this crank out of here
Stop! Shut up right now!
My daughter has escaped with a
man named Wallace Wooley
Sure, now relax
You'll go out of here tomorrow
Tomorrow it'll be too late. Who knows
what can do that girl?
Listen, I know a couple
of ways of making you shut up, do you know?
And I know a hundred of ways of
making you shut up forever...
...but I can't remember them now
It's terrible, they'll get married
He says that Wooley will marry her daughter
You'll see what will happen, I'll vent
my revenge upon them both
She thinks that can escape, but
it's impossible, she doesn't know me...
...I know many ways for prevent her from
laughing at me and the revenge will be terrible
- Jennifer
- Yes, Wally
Are you sure you saw those
kilometre signals?
Of course I do, Wally
My sight is very good
We've crossed the state frontier,
we can be relaxed
Wally, aren't you afraid of
being executed?
Executed? No, woman, no.
With the reputation I have...
Stop a moment, Wally
Okay. We can't see anything at two metres