...two dollars for the ceremony...
...one dollar fifty
for the lodging...
...twenty-five cents for my pyjamas
and the sleeping shirt...
...I'll have to charge you fifty cents
for that, it belongs to the family
I understand
It suits you. My grandmother was
very slim too, like you
- do you want me to light the fire?
- No, let me make it
I must learnt to be a good housewife.
It's this way, isn't it?
Yes, they are like the other matches
Good night. You are going to be very
happy, he's a very handsome boy
I hope your sons resemble him and
that the girls resemble you
Gracious me! Fire!
- Wally...
- Yes, tell me
Have you seen how
have I lighted the fire?
What fire? I only have eyes for you
Listen, would you like to have children?
Sure, I'd like to have
three girls like you
What's the matter?
It's better to tell it. You'd
never forgive me
- Ah, a confession
- Yes
Well, I hasn't been a saint either
Let's leave the explanations until tomorrow
No, I have to tell it now.
I don't know how to start
- Then don't do it
- Wally...
...Didn't the way we met seem
strange to you?