Jungle Book

Hey, what a funny
little bit of a--

- Oh!
- Go away!

Oh, boy, I've seen
everything in these woods.

Hoo! What have I run on?
What a pretty thing this is.

- Leave me alone.
- Well, now.

That's pretty big talk,
little britches.

I'm big enough.
Pitiful. Hey, kid,
you need help.

And old Baloo's gonna learn you
to fight like a bear.

Now come on,
I'm gonna show you.

All right, now, kid, loosen up.
Get real loose and then start to weave.

Weave a little.
Now move! That's it!

Now give me a big bear growl.
Scare me.

Oh, boy.
I'm talkin' about
like a big bear.

He's in trouble! Why, I-I
shouldn't have left him alone.

- A big one. Right from your toes.
- How's that?

- Yeah, you're gettin' it, kid.
- Oh, no! It's Baloo.

That shiftless,
stupid jungle bum.

Weave about now and
look for an opening.

Keep movin'. Keep--
Yeah, you're gettin' it, kid.
Come on, that's it.

He's a dandy.
Fine teacher you are,
old iron paws.

- Oh, thanks, Bagheera.
- Eh, tell me, tell me, uh...

after you knock your pupil
senseless, uh, how do you expect
him to remember the lesson? Hmm?

Well, I-- I, uh-- Well, I didn't
mean to lay it on him so hard.
