Oh, man, this is
really livin'.
So just try and relax.
Yeah. Cool it.
Fall apart in my backyard.
'Cause let me tell you somethin',
little britches.
If you act like
that bee acts...
uh-uh, you're
workin' too hard.
And don't spend your time
lookin' around...
for something you want
that can't be found.
When you find out you can live without
it and go along not thinkin' about it
I'll tell you somethin' true
The bare necessities
Of life will come to you
I give up. Well, I hope
his luck holds out.
Mowgli, how 'bout you sing?
Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
- Forget about your worries
and your strife
- Yeah, man.
I mean the bare necessities
That's why a bear
can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities
Of life
- Yeah!
- With just the bare necessities of life
Yeah, man!
That's real jungle harmony.
- I like being a bear.
- That's my boy.
And you're gonna make one swell bear.
Why, you even sing like one.