Over here. I'd like
to have a word with you.
A word? You gonna
talk some more?
All right,
what's up, Bagheera?
the man cub must go back
to the man village.
The jungle is not
the place for him.
I grew up in the jungle.
Take a look at me.
Yes, just look at yourself.
Look at that eye.
Yeah. It's beautiful,
ain't it?
Yeah. Frankly, you're
a disreputable sight.
Well, you don't look exactly
like a basket off ruit yourself.
Baloo, you can't adopt
Mowgli as your son.
Why not?
H-H-How can I put it?
It-- Baloo...
birds of a feather
should flock together.
You wouldn't marry
a panther, would you?
I don't know.
Come to think of it,
no panther ever asked me.
No. Baloo, you-you've got
to be serious about this.
Oh, stop woryin', Baghee.
Stop woryin'.
I'll take care of him.
Yes. Like you did when
the monkeys kidnapped him, huh?
- Can't a guy make one mistake?
- Not in the jungle.
And another thing.
Sooner or later, Mowgli
will meet Shere Khan.
The tiger? What's he got
against the kid?
He hates man with a vengeance.
You know that.
Because he fears man's gun
and man's fire.
But little Mowgli
don't have those things.
Shere Khan won't wait
until he does.