Jungle Book

He'll get Mowgli while
he's young and helpless.

-Just one swipe and--
- No.

Well-- Well, what
are we gonna do?

- We'll do what's best for the boy.
- You better believe it.

You name it,
and I'll do it.

Good. Then make Mowgli
go to the man village.

Are you out of your mind?
I promised him...

he could stay here
in the jungle with me.

Well, that's just the point.
As long as he remains with you...

he's in danger,
so it's up to you.

- Why me?
- Be-Be-Because he won't listen to me.

I love that kid.
I love him like
he was my own cub.

Then think of what's best
for Mowgli and not yourself.

Uh, well, can't-- Well,
can't I wait until morning?

It's morning now.
Go on, Baloo.
Oh, boy.
Mowgli. Mowgli.
Uh, it's time to get up.
Oh. Hi, Baloo.
Hi. Hey, rub that old
sleep out of your eyes.

You and me, uh, we got
a long walk ahead of us.

Swell. Gee, we'll have
lots of fun together.

Sure. Yeah.
Yeah. Uh--

All right, let's
hit the trail, kid.

See ya around,
uh, Bagheera.

Well, goodbye, Bagheera.
Me and Baloo,
we've got things to do.

Goodbye, man cub.
And good luck.

Come on, Baloo.
All we gotta do is--

Look for the bare necessities
