Jungle Book

Stop! W-Wait a minute.
Who said halt?
I give the commands around here.

- Now speak up. Who was it?
- Oh, it was me, Colonel.

What do you mean, sir,
taking over my command?

- Highly irregular, you know.
- Oh, Colonel, I-I'm sorry...

- but, but I need your help.
- Oh, absolutely impossible.

- We're on a cross-county march.
- But it's an emergency, Colonel.

- The man cub must be found.
- Man cub? What man cub?

-How interesting.
-The one I was taking to the man village.

That's where he belongs.

Now, sir,
If you don't mind...

we'd like to get on
with the march.

No, no, no, you,
you don't understand, Hathi.

He is lost.
He ran away.

How delightful.
Well, serves the young
whippersnapper right.

But, but Shere Khan,
the tiger--

He's sure to pick up
the man cub's trail.

Shere Khan.
Nonsense, old boy.

Shere Khan isn't
within miles of here.

Oh, sorry, Bagheera.
Fortunes of war, and all that
sort of thing, you know.

This has gone far enough.
Far enough.

Now just a minute,
you pompous old windbag.

Winifred! What are you
doing out of ranks?

Never mind.
How would you like
to have our boy...

lost and alone
in the jungle?

Our son? W-Well--
But, Winifred old girl,
that's an entirely different matter.

- Huh!
- Different, entirely.

That little boy is no different
than our own son.

Now you help find him,
or I'm taking over command.

What! A female
leading my herd?

Utterly preposterous.
Pop? The man cub and I
are friends.

He'll get hurt
If we don't find him.
