Jungle Book

Kaa! It's you!
Yes, man cub.
So nice to see you again.
Oh, go away.
Leave me alone.

Let me look at you.
You don't want me
to look at you?

Then you look at me.
No, sir. I know what
you're tryin' to do, Kaa--

You do? Uh, I mean...
- you don't trust me.
- No.

Then there's nothing
I can do to help.

You wanna help me?
I can see to it that you never
have to leave this jungle.

How could you do that?
Hmm? Oh, I have my own...
subtle little ways.
But first,
you must trust me.

I don't trust
anyone any more.

I don't blame you.
I'm not like
those so-called...

fair-weather friends
of yours.

You can believe in me.
Trust in me
Just in me
Shut your eyes
And trust in me
Hold still, please.
You can sleep
Safe and sound
