East Hill bus.
- All right, lady, on or off, please.
- Oh, yes.
- That's all. Next bus!
- Fares, please.
- Beverly Crescent?
- Who?
- Beverly Crescent.
- Get off next stop, take number 19.
- Fares, please.
- I'm sorry, conductor.
- Would you mind stopping?
- Leaving us already?
It's in the opposite direction.
That's about the only place
we don't go, lady. Fares, please.
- Why, Mrs. Miniver.
- You know, I...
Don't tell me it's gone.
Just a minute.
Oh, I was so afraid you'd sold it.
No. We knew you'd come back.
I know it's foolish and extravagant...
...but I've simply got to have it.
Yes, pack it up quickly,
don't give me time to think.
Oh, careful, careful.
Why, vicar. This is nice.
- For me. Let me put those on the rack.
- Thank you.
Oh, no, not this one. I might leave
it behind, and it's rather precious.
Yes, I know the feeling.
Guess what this is.
- Port.
- Worse than that.
- Cigars.
- Well, why not? My husband does.