- There he is!
- There he is!
- Hello, Mother!
- Hello, Vin!
Vin, darling!
- Hello, Dad!
- Fine to have you back.
Judy! Hello, Toby! Toby!
Vin! Vin's got a pipe!
- What of it, young fellow?
- Heavens, you've grown!
- Only about half an inch, Mother.
- I've grown a yard!
Have you, Toby?
- Where's the mustache, son?
- You used to be so proud of it.
- I don't remember being so very proud.
- I liked it.
Sorry. I found it took up
too much of my time.
- Oh, it did?
- Keeping it trim and all that.
After all, one can't waste too much time
over the vanities of life.
I see. Well, come along, children.
We better get along.
Let's go.
Here we go.
Oh, good heavens.
So your interest
doesn't center on cars anymore, Vin?
Well, this last year at Oxford, I've rather
changed my outlook on things.
- You don't say.
- Yes. I think I've grown a little.
Matured in my conception
as to what life's about.
- Do you know what Oxford taught me?
- What, dear?
- That I know nothing about anything.
- Rather a waste of time and money.
Not at all, because it's shown me
just what I want out of life.
- And what's that, Vin?
- To learn.
I want to encompass all the knowledge
I can in my brief span.
- What's "span," Vin?
- It's a bridge.
- A bridge?
- I think of the amount of knowledge...
...in the world: Scientific knowledge,
philosophical, sociological.
And when I realize the infinitesimal part
of this I possess, it makes me shudder.
And apart from all that, Mother, I think
I've developed a social consciousness.
- What's that, Vin?
- It's the recognition of my fellow man.
Where are there free men today...
...any more than in
the 9th to the 15th centuries?
Front door, Gladys.
Look, the 9th to 15th centuries,
when the lords held all the land...