Mrs. Miniver

Will everyone please be seated.
It has just been announced over the air
by the prime minister...

...that our country is at war.
In the circumstances...
...I don't think you'll wish me
to continue...

:34:38 you will probably, most of you,
have some other duty to perform.

I will say simply this:
That the prayer for peace
still lives in our hearts...

...coupled now with the prayer
for our beloved country.

We in this village...
...have not failed in the past.
Our forefathers, for 1000 years, have
fought for the freedom we now enjoy.

And that we must now defend again.
With God's help...
...and their example...
...we cannot...
...and shall not fail.
- Are we going to be bombed, Daddy?
- Toby, don't shout, darling.

- Are we going to be bombed?
- Come on.

- Carol.
- I'll be right along, Granny.

- Beg your pardon. Carol!
- Hello.
