- How about this blanket, Mr. Foley?
- I think I can use it, all right.
There. That fixes that.
It's those tiny cracks
that do the damage.
One man lighting a cigarette...
...stands out like a beacon
from 5000 feet up.
One little crack of light might lead
the whole German air force straight here.
- Well, it was lucky it was just you.
- Yes, indeed.
Strictly speaking,
you're liable to a fine...
...but as senior warden,
you'll hear no more about it.
- That's awfully nice.
- You got a nice place here for storage.
Hear the Minister of Food
the other day...
...recommended stocking up a bit?
You want to put in some tin foods
in case of emergency.
Sugar, now, sure to go out.
I've got some wonderful demerara.
Will 50 pounds be enough?
- Well, really, l...
- Make it 20 pounds, best demerara.
- Bismarck herring?
- I hate them.
Kipper snacks? Salmon? Sardines?
I've got lovely Italian sardines.
Might not be able to get them later.
You never know what Mussolini will do.
There you are. All clear.
They didn't get further than the coast.
- Is the war over, Mommy?
- No, darling.
- This is just the first day.
- Oh, good.
Oh, come on.
Attention, England.
This is your English friend
in Germany again.
Now, listen carefully
while there's yet time.
Time to avoid
further useless bloodshed.
It's now eight months
since your government declared war...
... eight months of progressive disaster
for the enemies of the German Reich.
France has been defeated as I told
you she would be, if you remember...
... and her invincible armies
completely crushed.
I need hardly tell you
that England comes next on the list.