Already the boasted British coolness
has given place to blind panic.
Already there have been serious riots
in your key industries...
... and they didn 't tell you that,
did they?
Already the British lion
is howling with terror.
- Turn it off, George.
- Had enough?
He's all wind and whitewash,
like a blinking rook.
- Can't we get some news?
- Not till 9.
You work at the airfield.
You see that German plane come down?
I heard it.
I wonder where the pilot is.
With all that cover in them woods,
he could lay there for days.
But he's got to get food,
don't forget.
Be funny if he walked in here,
wouldn't it?
- He'd never do that.
- I don't know so much.
They're clever. Some goes to Oxford
and learns to speak English...
...just as good as what you and me do.
Well, almost.
- Did you get that Fritz?
- Not yet. We will.
- Whiskey. What are you having?
- I'll have a beer, sir.
Pretty smart, these Jerries.
- This chap was an ace too.
- Got six of our fellows.
- Vin!
- Hello, Dad.
- Where did you spring from?
- Belham Airfield.
- You're practically on the doorstep.
- Isn't it grand?
- I was buzzing home when I saw you.
- This is good news.
You don't know the half of it.
See that? Pilot Officer Miniver.
- So soon? I thought...
- Things are moving pretty fast.
They cut short the course.
I got 85% on the test
and a week's leave on the strength of it.
Great stuff. Congratulations.
That calls for a drink.
- What'll you have?
- I don't think I will.
I phoned Mother I was coming.
I called Carol too.
- I'll bet you did.
- I'll run up there later on.
- How much do I owe you, George?
- Five and sixpence.
- There you are. Keep the change.
- Thank you very much.