Mrs. Miniver

Bye, George.
Where is everybody? Kay!
- Well, what is this?
- Vin!

Mother. Carol.
Oh, Vin. Vin, darling.
Carol, both of you,
it's wonderful.

I didn't want to miss a minute.
How are you?

- Fine. Don't I look it?
- He's brown.

Open-air life, Mother.
It's good to see you all again.
I sort of don't know
which way to turn!

- Seen these?
- Makes a good-looking pilot, doesn't he?

- Vin, already?
- Two months before my regular time.

And what a bit of luck
being transferred to an airfield so near.

A fellow I knew
had his people living round about.

When he flew over, he'd cut his engine
so they'd know who it was. Like this:

Well, I suppose now you're ready
for real flying.

Not only for real flying
but real...

- Well, whatever they send me into.
- Fighting.

- Where are the kids?
- Upstairs.

- You wouldn't let them dine with us?
- I might.

- I'll run up and tell them.
- No. I'm going.

- Clem, coming?
- Yeah. I've got to change.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Have you heard we're losing Gladys?
- Is Horace on leave?

Oh, no, sir.
Gladys joined the WAAFs.
She's off to Aldershot.

- What's a WAAF?
- Women's Auxiliary Air Force.
