Excuse me,
I have a million things to do.
The oculist said you don't need these.
I feel undressed.
Is good for you to feel that way.
- How's Mother?
- Fine.
She's having fun
visiting her children.
Spending a month with me now.
- Has Doctor Jaquith told you?
- What?
He says I'm well enough to leave.
I've got to go home.
I dread it so terribly.
Is awful not to want to see Mother.
Stop, look, listen.
New England conscience.
Perhaps you don't have to. May I?
Later. We'll see how she behaves.
We have a scheme.
- What is it?
- I'm not telling.
Marvelous chance for you.
My time for pleasure is up.
I'll show Lisa around the place.
You can show the rest later.
- Meet me outside?
- I've been thrown out of better places.
This morning I referred
to a quotation, remember?
Yes, Walt Whitman's.
I had it typed out on a slip of paper.
If Walt didn't have you in mind,
he had others like you.
He put into words
what I'd like to say.
Better than I could express it.
Read it.
Untold want, by life and land
Ne'er granted
Now, voyager, sail thou forth
To seek and find