He wishes he understood me.
He wishes.
Thas done.
I've ordered us Cointreaus.
- You're different from what I expected.
- How?
You're more comfortable to talk to,
Miss Beauchamp.
I'm not Miss Beauchamp.
Renee is in Arizona.
- The cruise manager...
- I know.
They all think I'm Miss Beauchamp.
The purser knows I'm not.
I took her space at the last moment.
It was too late to be on the list.
Do you intend to keep
your identity a secret?
No, I woulïve corrected
the mistake earlier...
...only it woulïve been awkward.
I don't know why I'm telling you.
- A stranger.
- I'm awfully sorry.
My name is Durrance.
Jeremiah Duveaux Durrance.
Silly name, isn't it?
My father named me after a professor.
I was J.D. in college.
My wife calls me J. Duveaux.
I'm Jerry to my friends.
Won't you tell me who you are?
My name is Vale, V-A-L-E.
If it appears on the list, it will be:
"C. Vale, Boston."
- Are you one of the Vales?
- One of the lesser ones.
Which? I don't even know
if is Miss or Mrs.
Is Aunt.
Every family has one, you know.
But Aunt what?
My name is Charlotte Vale.
Miss Charlotte Vale.
Please, les go.