Smithy, I've got to talk to you.
I won't beat about the bush.
Sam won't take you.
Won't take me?
There was a man from the asylum
in the bar just now.
He told everybody about your escape.
Sam feels it's too risky taking you.
I think perhaps he's right.
I think perhaps you should go back
to the asylum...
until you're all well again, and then...
Go back?
It is best, Smithy.
You need care, and you need doctors
that understand your case.
I feel dreadful about it,
but it's for your sake.
Sam wants to help...
but he says I have no right to take you.
He says I'd be risking your sanity.
Your life, perhaps.
You do understand, don't you?
You're not angry with me? You don't think
that I've gone back on you?
It's not that I'm afraid.
It's because I think it's right.
They were all against me, all of them.
They couldn't have made me do it
if I didn't think it was right.
You do know that, Smithy, don't you?
Tell me you understand,
that you're not angry with me.
But tell me. Let me hear you say it.
Speak to me, Smithy.
You could always speak to me.