All right, Mrs. Deventer, he can come
for a couple of hours tomorrow...
and I'll look in on Friday.
- Thank you, Doctor.
- Goodbye.
- Morning, ma'am.
- Good morning.
Sorry I wasn't down.
- Were you wanting rooms?
- Well, that depends.
- May I use your telephone?
- Certainly. It's in there.
Thank you.
Smithy, come and sit down.
You look worn out.
He does look poorly. The poor dear.
Is this the phone?
Yes. You just picks it up,
turns the handle...
Yes. Thank you.
I want to make a trunk call, please.
Melbridge 4294.
Clevedon 2707.
Hello, Paula.
No, he's all right. Come to in a jiffy.
Right as rain, barring a bump on his head.
Big as an apple, it was.
That fellow of yours must have given him
what I gave the gunner.
What? A bump.
Biffer, don't make me laugh.
I'll go into hysterics. What?
He is an angel. So are you.
Do you mind if I rush off now
and tell Smithy? He'll be so happy.
A thousand thanks, darling, and goodbye.
Smithy, it's all right.
Isn't it wonderful? Sam's all right.
Now you have nothing
to worry about, nothing.
Sam's being awfully decent about it.
He says it was just an accident.