- Random Hall, North Random, Surrey.
- Thank you, sir.
You don't wish to lodge a complaint, sir?
Thank you, no.
I'm sure whatever happened was my fault.
All right. Thanks, Mr. Rainier.
Thanks, guvnor.
Sure you feel strong enough to walk?
A little dizzy still, but I'll manage it.
Quite a bump.
Apart from that, what do I owe you?
- Never mind that.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
- It's all right, sir.
- Here's your hat.
- Yes.
- Sure you don't want me to call a cab?
- No, thanks. The air will brace me up.
By the way, would you mind telling me...
what day is this?
This is Thursday.
Thursday, yes, but the date?
November 14, 1920.
1920. Three years gone.
Three years.
France, I remember distinctly.
An ensign was killed. Young Davis.
But after that?
What after that?
Liverpool? What am I doing here?
Where have I been?
Better go home. Yes. May clear things up.
Better go home.