They said that there was no
such man employed at the plant as Fry.
Why, I saw him! I saw him twice!
Ken saw him too!
He was with us at the fire.
He handed me the extinguisher.
Ken said, "Don't I get to play?"
He was kidding. I handed it to him.
Fry was right there with us, I'm sure!
Why, he must have known
there was gasoline in it.
He must have known!
He stood right there with us
and watched.
Please go.
Don't you believe me?
Do you think I had
something to do with this?
I didn't tell the police anything.
Oh, I don't know!
It's all so confused and so terrible.
I don't know what they're talking
about! Why don't they get Fry?
You'd better go.
Alright. I'll go.
I've got to find Fry,
or Ken won't be the last one to die.
(Doorbell Buzzes)
(Neighbour) l saw him go in there.
# (Whistling: "Fifth Symphony"
By Beethoven)
- What?
- That tune you're whistling.
# (Imitating Tune)
Oh, I didn't even know I was whistling.
That's a sign you must be pretty happy.
Easy to see
there's nothing on your mind.
Oops. That must have been Junior.
- Junior?
- Yeah, that rock.
I know every one from
Los Angeles to Reno.