We're looking for a man
and his woman companion.
He's got dark hair,
between the ages of 20-25 .
The dame's supposed to be
good-looking. Have you seen them?
Now, where would I see anybody
as normal as that?
Who's this?
Doesn't look like one of your troop.
(Esmeralda) Sure, she's one of us.
She's our little snake charmer.
Right now, she's sitting on a box
of snakes so they don't get loose.
Can you imagine that?
A good-looking gal too.
Well, l guess you can
all go back to sleep now.
A snake charmer! Well, well.
You never can tell about women.
It's alright. You can come out now.
- Wait, Justice, come back!
- Sit down here!
- I don't know how I can thank you.
- It's alright, my boy.
Gives you a good feeling
when you can help somebody.
You've got a right to know
what this is about.
It's alright, son.
If that little girl can trust you,
I guess we can.
The baby! She's had a tough time.
- Poor little girl. She's worn out.
- I'll take care of her.
Come on. Let's go.
- (Crying)
- Better let the snakes get some sleep.
They have to look good tomorrow.
I'm sorry.
What for?
For being such a dope. I was scared.
You'd have been a dope
if you hadn't been scared.
You're tired,
that's all that's the matter with you.
Get some sleep. You'll be fine.
(Sighs) I can go to sleep, alright.