Funny, you knowing about this place.
I don't quite get it.
You might have
thought it over more carefully.
Your coming here doesn't help us a bit.
(Old Man) The heat's on
this guy and he shows up here.
Tobin sent me.
The old man must be off his nut
sending him up here.
Be a little more careful, Neilson.
Your criticisms in front of other people.
Don't talk that way about the old guy.
I'll watch out for myself.
Me too. Don't forget about me.
That's why Tobin sent me here.
He said you'd know
how to take care of me.
I guess that makes
it pretty clear, Neilson.
l don't know.
A guy walks in,
and right away I get orders.
It ain't so clear to me.
I'm a little better than a stranger,
if you'll remember my press clippings.
Yes. Mister... uh... Kane
has done pretty well down south.
His accomplishments can't
be disregarded, at least I hope not.
A man that has served as well
as he has is entitled to recognition.
More than that - protection too.
You guys have got to take care of me.
The firm will do its best.
They're quite loyal to their employees.
Neilson will see that
the firm's record is maintained.
You got it easy,
you guys from back East.
You give orders. You do that, alright.
The big boys with the desk jobs.
All you gotta do
is reach for a telephone, sit back,
and us guys out here
have gotta take the rap.
I think I'll go back East for a while.
You're not a very good
example of loyalty.
(Neilson) Yeah?
Well, l'm getting a bit tired of it.
So am I! Let's get going!
The trip here was no pushover.
I had to hoof it most of the way.
I got no place to hide you out.
That ain't my line.
That ain't your line, huh?
What about you?
You don't seem so interested either!
I suppose you're just the big brains!
Maybe you take a chance now and then.
Maybe it doesn't work that way.
Maybe I'm the only
guy that sticks his neck out.
Well, get this!
I pulled a big job, and they're after me.
And you guys have gotta take
care of me, or you'll have trouble.