
was here at Universal on a Sunday.
We were working out some sequences,
and he was making his little drawings.
Late morning, the door burst open and
a man came in with
one of these blocked hats.

You know, the hard hats.
And he said,
'What are you doing here?''

He said, "Haven't you heard?
The Japs just bombed Pearl Harbor."

That was my beginning of Saboteur.
At the time war broke out,
I can remember that distinctly,
September 3rd,

and my father going to the phone
to call his mother in England.

And the operator saying, "l'm sorry,
no more calls . That country is at war."

And he was just devastated.
My father was actually
very roundly criticised,

He and David Niven
and other English people,

for not going back to England.
English people sort of forgot
that these people are under contract,

and I can't quite see either
David Selznick, or Samuel Goldwyn,

letting their prize possessions
to just take off and go back.

He did go back during the war,
and he made
two films for the free French.

(Boyle) Because of
the beginning of the war,

because after that we were
completely involved in World War ll ,

and you couldn't get anything ...
We couldn't work
in any of the aircraft factories.

lt all had to be done on the back lot.
So Saboteur became
a real challenge.

It would have been in any event,
but for a young art director,

working with the master,
Alfred Hitchcock,

it was not easy.
It was in 1941,
and I had been an actor
by that time...
