a professional actor...
for nine years,
when lo and behold, l get a call
from John Houseman.
John Houseman was under contract
in 1941 to David o Selznick,
who also had Mr Hitchcock
under contract.
And Hitch spoke with Houseman
about finding an actor...
who was unknown
for the part of the saboteur.
He wanted a young actor.
In 1941, I was young.
And he wanted
a certain kind of actor.
He described it
and did Houseman
know anyone who might
be suitable for this part.
Houseman was good enough
to recommend me
and then
called me, and told me that
Mr Hitchcock would be expecting
my call at the St. Regis
and would I go up and meet with him.
l did that.
He was charming, set me at my ease
and then set up a test.
He told me
what the character was like,
and I selected a scene
from a play called Blind Alley,
where I played a mad killer.
And I did the scene.
l was a very hyper theatre actor
at the time.
And l understand that the test
was very melodramatic
and overplayed, and big,
and the whole thing,
but he saw something he wanted,
and he cast me.
(Whistle Blows)
Here come the wolves.
l remember the opening scene
of Saboteur.
lt was, l think,
the first scene l played,