He'd been using these tricks
over the years.
He just liked to find new ways
to put them to work.
(Sirens Wailing)
That's the police, all right.
- They must be looking for somebody.
- Who could they want?
- Me, I guess.
- Oh!
When they stopped the caravan,
when the police stopped the caravan,
we had the real vans
from the caravan in the foreground,
with, of course, the live-action people
and live-action police.
And then they would get
smaller vehicles going back.
And finally, we got to miniatures.
And then way in the background,
there were just cutouts.
The problem was the people,
so we had full-size people
and then little people,
and it worked beautifully.
I saw it recently, and, well, it works.
(Lloyd) Hitchcock had a favourite
phrase called 'Camera Logic'.
And l once asked
him what he meant by that.
He said, "The camera is exactly
where it should be to tell the story."
That seems very simple.
lt seems to be a phrase
that anyone would be aware of,
but it's not so, particularly today.
# (Swing)
The cameraman on the picture
was Joe Valentine,
who was considered one of
the finest cameramen in Hollywood.
He had a shot that Hitch laid out
that was quite complicated.
and l heard him say to Mr Hitchcock,
"Mr Hitchcock, would you like to see
this shot on camera through the lens?"
And Hitch said, "oh, no, dear boy."
"l've looked through a camera before."
l don't recall his ever
looking through a camera.
He had the shot all here in the head.
Go down the corridor
and through the iron door.
It'll take you to the music hall.
We'll go this way.