
and l go backwards over the railing
and catch between the thumb
and the forefinger of the hand.

Hitchcock said to me,
''Can you do a back flip over that...
that railing?''
But l was a young actor,
flexible and so forth.

l said, "Of course".
And he was pleased, because it meant
that he could be right on me,
instead of, you know, an angle
or a double doing it from the back.

He was right on me, and l go.
Come on, Fry!
Now, the next cut
was my going through the air.
And that was done by
Davey Sharp,
who was the greatest stuntman.
And he looked a little like me.
We were built about the same way.
And he went through the air.
Nothing holding him .
No cords, no strings, nothing.
Just flew through the air
and caught right in there.

Absolutely fantastic to see him do it.
One take, as I recall.
once he was there,
then Hitch cut into me.

This hand that held the torch
was removable

and could lay at an angle,
such as you're facing me like that.

So that my head was here
looking into the camera,

and he could do all my scenes
lying there.

I'll get your sleeve.
When Alfred Hitchcock
ran the picture for Ben Hecht,

who was probably the most ...
