Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

This is the last straw.
We must prevent
this all-out attack

at any cost.
Sir Evan is right.
All our available

must be rushed immediate.
Withdraw material
from elsewhere?

If need be, yes.
This calls for action
and lots of it.

There's something curious
about this broadcast.

He said tomorrow.
Always before it was now.
I wonder what it means?
There's no time to
wonder at this point.

Mr. Holmes, your methods
have got us nowhere.

The situation demanded
action and got none.

Mr. Lloyd, I think I know
when action
should be taken.

Nevertheless, we
take charge now.

This is a crisis you
can't hope to deal with.

A man to see
your Mr. Holmes

Bring him in.
Yes sir.
Mr. Holmes, sir, last
night I followed Kitty

and that fellow Meade.
They went to a place
near a bombed village

on the coast.
No sir, south.
Why didn't you
come sooner?

Motor trouble sir.
Just got back.
All right, it
can't be helped.

Stand by until
we need you.

So, it's on the
southern coast

the drama is to be played.
The fox is out of
his hole at last.

Meade has led us to
the Voice of Terror.

Gentlemen, we must
set out at once.

Are you mad?
What sort of a wild goose
chase are you suggesting?

It's ridiculous.
It's time to be
a stop to this.

Barham speaking.
Yes, of course.
We've been ordered to
accompany Mr. Holmes.
