The Palm Beach Story

I wasn't thinking about me.
I just meant you.

Oh, you mean the bust-up?

When'd you get that idea? This afternoon?
I've had it for some time,

but something always said,
"Wait till he crashes through.
Wait till he's made one success."

You'll never make a success
with me around. I'm just a milestone
around your neck.

I'm no good for you,

I don't mean I'm not good for somebody,
but I can't cook or sew or whip up
a little dress out of last year's curtains.

What difference does that make?
I'm just like a car that only gives seven miles
to the tankful, only you haven't got the tankful.

Are you sure
you haven't got a tankful?

You see, by yourself,
you could live so simply. I mean,
just a little room anywhere...

or maybe move in with your brother
or even use the couch in your office.

And you wouldn't keep
slipping back all the time.
You could balance what you earned...

and look the worid in the eye,
maybe even get ahead a little.

Thanks. And what
would you be doing?
Oh, that's no problem.

You can always find a good provider
if you really want one. He may not
look like a movie star, but...

We'll get ahead someday.
But I don't want it someday.
I want it now, while I can still enjoy it.

Anyway, men don't get smarter
as they grow older; they just lose their hair.

But I would! I'm very tired
of being broke, darling,

and feeling so helpless
about having my hands tied.

I could've helped you so many times,
but every time I tried to, you tried
to punch the man in the nose.

Don't talk rot.
How about that president
of the smelting company?

That wolf!
Well, he's still the president
of a smelting company.

We might've been
in the smelting business now,
and paying our rent.

He liked you very much,
he said.

The less I hear about that hyena,
the better I'll like it.
But that's what's so irritating...

to know that I could get you someplace...
without doing any harm either.

You have no idea
what a long-legged gal can do
without doing anything.

And instead of that, I have
to watch you stamping around proudly,
like Sitting Bull in a new blanket,

breathing through your nose
while we both starve to death.

You don't have to keep saying "thanks"
all the time. I'm not being so nice.

That's the first time I've said it.
If you want a divorce,
you're certainly entitled to it.
