The Talk of the Town

- Hot lemonade?
- Yes.

Now, now, don't be silly.
Bring your book.

There's something to what she says.
Take care of your health.

- Supreme Court. What do you know?
- This stuff he reads is remarkably dead.

- You eating again?
- That prison food was terrible.

Supreme Court appointment
or not, we're dragging him into this.

Yeah, we certainly must.
We must, must we?
Look at him. Calm and relaxed
like he was on his yacht.

He got his neck in a noose
and now he says, "We certainly must."

How do you suggest we start, Leopold?
Well, what have we here?
An intelligent man, but cold.

No blood in his thinking.
So we must start to thaw him out.

We thaw him.
Can't let a man like that take a seat
on the highest court in our land.

I see. All of a sudden what
he's concerned about is our country.

Our country first, yes.
Then my neck next.

That's beautiful, but this thawing-out
process... We haven't got months.

Plenty of time. I like to break out in
a sweat every time the doorbell rings.

How do you propose we thaw him,
Leopold, with a blowtorch?

Well, we have to give
that some thought.

We have a good start.
- The prettiest woman in Lochester.
- Miss Shelley.

Miss Shelley.
I'm feeling a little tired.
I think I'll get some sleep.

That's just what you need,
plenty of rest.

Yes, it's been quite a day.
