Miss Harding and Mr. Kieran
both have their hands up.
- Full title.
- "Nights in the Garden..."
- Hello, Sam.
- Hi, kid.
Hi, Sammy. You missed most
of the Information Please!
I guess I have lived around a lot.
With my father, that is.
Tess Harding. Treat for the intellect.
Rest your intellect and give me
a Scotch and water.
The Chronicle ought to form
a cheering section for her.
Because we write on the same paper?
Did you ever meet her, Sam?
I understand she don't talk if you
haven't signed a nonaggression pact.
Prescott lists four seaports...
... which have had great
strategic importance in this war:
Dakar, Narvik, Derna and Singapore.
Were any of these ever under
the American flag?
Derna, in 1803.
- The war with Barbary pirates.
- Right. Most of us...
Can you figure a dame that knew
what was going on in Libya in 1803?
Fadiman says she's number-two dame,
next to Mrs. Roosevelt.
So they're giving them numbers now,
like public enemies.
Well, Mrs. Prescott does not receive
$ 25 and a set of the Britannica.
The next question comes from
Mr. C.A. Copeland of Glenport, Florida.
What is the most frequently run
distance in American sports?
- Hundred yards.
- No, no. It's a mile, counting horses.
I'll try our guest expert first.
Miss Harding.
Ninety feet, sister.
I really don 't know anything
about American sports.
Mr. Kieran?
- Ninety feet.
- Care to explain?
The distance between
home plate and first base.
Yes, or between any of the bases
in the game of baseball.