Woman of the Year

Then aren't you going
in the wrong direction?

Well, maybe I am. I...
Are you always much too busy?
What for?
- I was wondering about this afternoon.
- Sorry.

Tomorrow afternoon, maybe?
What's on your mind?
I'd like to take you to a baseball game.
Are all these people unemployed?
No, they're all attending
their grandmother's funeral.

- He's got Tess Harding with him.
- Where's your manners?

No women in the press box.
A rule as old as baseball.

- No women.
- So what?

She's a newspaperman,
and she's pretty. Hi, Sam.

I haven't seen it happen in 20 years.
Worst scandal since the Black Sox.

- Phil, I want you to meet Miss...
- Harding, I know. How do you do?

You mean our paper sends
two men to cover one game?

No. I cover the game,
he kicks it around in his column.

- We've only got one man at Vichy.
- Vichy? Are they still in the league?

Who's pitching?
The hat.
Thank you.
Hey, buddy, tell her it ain't raining.
Fella wanted me to tell you
that it ain't raining.

- Who's playing today?
- The Athletics and the Yanks.

The Athletics will bat first, you see,
and after they've made three outs...

...then the Yanks come to bat.
I see. Then they have to make
the same number of outs.

That's right. That's right.
And each team has nine innings.
