...things you don't know about.
Which reminds me...
...the Chiang Kai-shek's are having
an anniversary soon. I must tell Gerald.
- Hope we haven't ruined your day.
- No, not at all.
Kept me off the streets
and out of poolrooms.
- What's the matter, Sam?
- Nothing.
- Sure?
- Well, I can't quite figure you out.
What are you trying to prove?
Why am I here?
- Well, Sam...
- Nurmo could've driven you here.
Why did you ask me?
Thought you might want
to kiss me goodbye.
They're holding the plane for us.
Goodbye, Gerald. See you Monday?
- What time?
- Send you a wire?
Yeah, but you do it.
Don't have the little corporal do it.
Could I drop you somewhere,
Miss Whitcomb?
Drop the "Miss Whitcomb."
Sounds like a reproach.
Bet it has been,
to fellas who didn't know better.
Just for the record, Sam,
it wasn't that exciting.
There was only one
who should've and didn't.
The others did and shouldn't have.
- Going by my hotel?
- Right by. Which one is it?
- I warn you. I'll talk your ears off.
- It won't hurt.
What point are you trying
to make, Sam?
Maybe there isn't any point.
You like your work, don't you?
More all the time.
I don't know why, either,
unless it's because I like people.
I like meeting them
and writing about them.
Unimportant people, though. Guess
that makes me an unimportant guy.
That makes you
a very important guy, Sam.
Not because you rate a byline,
but because you have a heart...
...a job you like to do and a future.
You're just a normal
human being, Sam.
Go on leading your normal human life.