Yes, Mom.
Oh, but, Mom,
she is good enough for me.
Now, look, Mom, I'll write you
all about it tomorrow.
This long distance will cost me
a week's salary.
Oh, well, Mom, you don't ask girls
a thing like that.
I didn't say it wasn't important,
I just said...
Yes, all right. I'll find out
if she's a good cook, yes.
I'll wire you as soon as the date's set.
All right, dear. Goodbye.
When do you think we...?
- Macinock.
- Macinock.
- Macinock.
- South Carolina's the most...
...convenient place. No waiting period.
Very handy for your father.
We have to arrange this to suit
plans of three people.
- Three?
- Pop, Aunt Ellen and myself.
She's in Minneapolis Thursday.
Make it tomorrow.
- Will that be all right for you?
- I can't make it. I'll be busy.
5:00 seems to be the best time.
Allow half an hour for the business.
You can fly back to meet Dr. Lubbeck
in case he is on the clipper.
We'll set it for then. Send the wires,
Gerald. Will that suit you, darling?
- Well, do we have to do it so quick?
- Don't you want to?
Yes, but the whole thing seems
so important for such rush.
I don't know, I always looked forward
to the day I was gonna get married.
I thought I'd do it up right,
like most people do.
I thought I might go for the striped
pants. Just for the wedding, I mean.
I just don't think you can do the thing
right in such a hurry.