I call it a hit.
What'll your review say?
- I like it too, so I guess I'll pan it.
- That's logical.
My publisher resents Cohan
impersonating the president of the U.S.
Says our young readers dream
of being president.
"I'd rather be right than be president."
Cohan may find out he isn't either one.
- See how George does it at his age.
- I remember him when I was little.
Congratulations, George, old boy.
You did a great job.
- Thanks.
- Congratulations, Mr. Cohan.
- You had him down to a tee.
- But we're still on dangerous ground.
Imitating the president,
a lot of people won't like it.
It's good, clean fun.
Didn't they enjoy it in Boston?
Never could do anything wrong in Boston.
Greatest man in the U.S. Played by the
greatest actor. Nothing wrong with that.
Especially when the greatest actor
is my husband.
- This could be treason.
- A dollar-a-year man will take care of you.
A lot of them would like
to shoot actors.
Save these telegrams.
Government needs paper.
You've got a list with everybody
but Hirohito.
- We'll bring him in.
- Here's the one I sent.
- Will you read our cleverness?
- What makes you think I didn't?
I didn't know there was that much love left
in the entire Western Union codebook.